Are You Ready?

I've never been one to shove my faith and beliefs down anyone's throat, so I'm going to give everyone a heads up now that this post will be about God, faith, and all that good stuff so if you don't want to read it then by all means leave now.

If you're still here than thank you for giving this post a chance and I hope you're blessed by it.

I was raised in church and my pastors are my grandpa & uncle. Reading that I know you're probably thinking I'm some good girl who thinks she's better than everyone else, but you couldn't be further from the truth. Just like everyone else I sin and make mistakes, but I still try to live everyday doing my best to please God.

I actually found the quote above on Pinterest and wanted to share it with all of you because even though I know that I'm not perfect, I still try to live my life like this quote says. It's not easy but at the end of my life I want to know that I did everything I could to please God after all that he has done for me. 

This post is so different from my previous ones and I'm not sure how to go about writing it, so I'm just going to start by telling you the inspiration behind it. 

I'm sure you've all heard about the destruction caused by Hurricane Harvey, Irma, and now Maria as well as the earthquake that has taken so many lives in Mexico, well that's the motivation behind this post. I'm a Texas native and when Harvey hit the coast and caused so much destruction in Houston and the surrounding cities I was terrified for my friends and family who were in danger of being affected by the Hurricane and it made me take notice on everything that is going on in the world. Then today my mom and I were watching the news and they were showing the destruction in Mexico and showing how the rescuers were trying to listen for noises coming from the debris of a school to try and get any children out that might be trapped and my heart broke for these families all over the world who are waiting to find out if their loved ones were safe. The segment following that story wasn't any better, they were showing what it looked like when Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico and I couldn't believe what I was seeing and neither could my mom. As I sat there watching these stories I couldn't help but wonder what the heck was going on in the world! Then my mom said something that shook me, she sat there watching the devastation on these people faces that were being interview and said "the Lord is coming soon." 

Hearing that said out loud is both terrifying and thrilling. I think it's only human to be scared of the unknown and the coming of the Lord is definitely the unknown. While I can read what the bible says about what I can expect when the time comes for me to come face to face with my maker nothing can really prepare me for what that experience is truly going to be like and that's terrifying. On the flip side as a believer I can't wait for the day when I get to be in the presence of my Heavenly Father and walking the streets of gold. 

Anyways, back to the topic at hand, I decided to write this post after going on various social media websites and reading what others were saying about what's going on and what it comes down to is that believers agree with my mom and believe the day is drawing near when we will meet our maker, but there are others out there who insist it's due to global warming. I'm not going to sit here and tell you that global warming isn't real or anything like that, but I would like to share this passage from the Bible with you and let you decide for yourself. 

I don't know about you but that sounds exactly like what we are seeing happen right now, not just with the weather and the devastation that is bringing people, but all the issues that have been popping up in recent years. This in this world aren't getting better, if anything they're getting worse. So, to quote on of my friends Facebook status' it's time for us to WAKE UP and OPEN OUR EYES! I'm not telling you that you have to believe what I believe, but I am encouraging you to talk with God, repent for your sins, and I pray that if you haven't ask Him to come into your heart and be your savior that maybe this will lead you to take that step, because we're running out of time here on Earth and I really want as many people to go to Heaven as possible. 

I've been asked time and again why I believe is something that I can see or touch and how I know that it's real, but I can't really explain it because it all comes down to FAITH. Throughout my life my family has faced many challenging situations and we've faced our own struggles but God has never left our side. I can sit here and tell you story after story about how God has proven his love and mercies to me even though I definitely don't deserve them. I'm no one special and I haven't done anything to deserve the unconditional love he shows me and my loved ones every day. At the end of the choice is yours and all I can do is encourage you to take a step of FAITH. 

For me it all start right here with this one verse. Even though we're sinners and have done NOTHING to deserve this kind of love, God sent his ONLY Son to die for you and me. That in itself is hard to wrap your head around if you really take time to think about it, can you imagine sending your only child to die for people who don't deserve it? As hard as I try to live my life to please God I still don't see how I can ever do ANYTHING as great as what he did for me and that right there is proof of his unconditional love. One of the first things you have to be willing to do is BELIEVE that Jesus was Gods only son and he was sent her to die for you.

It's that simple, all you have to do to get into heave is believe in him and ask Jesus to come into you heart. 

I'm not a pastor and I've never done this on my own, but right now I want to present the plan of salvation to those of you who feel like God might have brought you hear to speak to you, maybe your feeling a tug on your heart or something in the back of your head is telling you that this was meant for you to read. If that's you I'd like to walk you through the Romans road of Salvation. 

The first step you have to take is to admit that you're a sinner. I'll be the first to admit that try as I may I'm not perfect and I sin on a daily basis. We are all sinner, we were born into sin, but all you have to do is ADMIT YOU'RE A SINNER

There's going to come a time when our time here on Earth comes to an end. Everyone faces death as a result of sin. Our flesh will rot away and our bones will turn to dust, but where will your soul go? Thanks to the sacrifice God made for us when he sent is sun to die on the cross we have the opportunity spend all of eternity with Him. NOT because of anything we've done, BUT because of what HE did for us. Salvation is a FREE gift from God to each and every one of you! There's nothing you will ever be able to do to earn this give, all you have to do is reach out and receive it! Ask God to forgive you and save you.

When Jesus died at the cross on Calvary he paid the price for OUR sins! Not just mine and yours, but everyone's, and in doing this bought us out of slavery to sin and death. We don't have to suffer in the lake of fire because he did this for us, all you have to do is BELIEVE in HIM and what he has done for us. He did this because He loved us and gave himself for us. His LOVE is what saves you, NOT religion or church, but his LOVE! God loves YOU!

ALL you have to do is ACCEPT Jesus as YOUR SAVIOR! If you feel like God is speaking to you right now LET HIM IN! No one is promise tomorrow so don't put it off. 

 Just call out to Him and ask him to be your savior! 

If you would like to ask Jesus to come into your heart and be your savior all you have to do is say this prayer: 

If you have taken the first step in your faith I want to congratulate you and let you know that if you have any questions or just want to talk just leave me a comment or send me a message and I'll get back to you. I can't tell you how much joy I have for you as you begin this new journey in your walk with Christ. I also encourage you to find a church where you can learn more about the word of God and grow in your spiritual relationship with him. 


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