Travel Bucket List
If I could spend the rest of my life traveling around the world I would do it. My dream for as long as I can remember has always been to see as much of the world as possible during my lifetime. As a child I always loved Summer because it meant going on a family vacation and getting to see a new place. Even now I often feel like a child when I'm getting ready for my next vacation, no matter where I'm going there's always a child like excitement bubbling up inside of me. Since this is such a big dream of mine I decided to put together this travel bucket list and hopefully I'll be able to check off all the places little by little. So, here goes nothing...
1. England
I'm not really sure where my love of all things British stems from, but England is definitely at the top of my bucket list of places to go.
- Kent
- Peak District
- Derbyshire
- Wilshire
- London
- Brighton
- Bath
- Stratford-upon-Avon
These are just a few of the places in England I would love to visit for a number of reasons. If you've read one of my post about my favorite books you'll know that Pride & Prejudice is one of my favorite books of all time and many of these places were picked because parts of the movie were filmed there. Another reason that I want to visit these places is because I watch a lot of British Youtubers and some of these places have been featured in their videos and for one reason or another caught my attention. I think the fact that I've always loved history has a lot to do with my fascination of England as a whole.

2. Greece
Since I was really young Greece has been on my list of places to see and I'm pretty sure it's because Greek mythology has always been something that interests me.
- Athens
- Olympia
- Santorini
- Mykonos
These are just a few places that I'm dying to visit.
3. Paris, France
4. United States
Even though I'm from the US and I've seen a couple of places, there are still places I'm dying to visit.
- Nashville
- Vegas
- New York City
- Memphis (at Christmas)
Vegas has been on my list longer than I can remember, if fact I was hoping to celebrate my 21st birthday there, but it didn't happen and it's still on the list. As for that last one, I've actually been to Memphis twice during the summer. I'm a HUGE Elvis fan and it had been on my list for forever, so when I finally got to visit it was a big deal for me and something I will never forget. It's actually one of the places I feel I can go again and again and love it just as much as I did the first time I visited. Now my goal is to see Graceland during Christmas time with all the decorations so hopefully I'll be able to do that soon.
5. Australia
This is actually relatively new to the list and I'm not entirely sure why it wasn't on there before to be honest.
- Sydney
- Melbourne
- Perth
- Great Barrier Reef
Like I said before, I'm not sure why this wasn't on my bucket list to begin with, but I added it because one of the vloggers that I watch is from here and seeing how gorgeous Australia is in her videos left me eager to visit.
I don't want this post to be too long, so I'm going to stop here, but there are so many other places I'm dying to see and experience. I love learning about all the different cultures and experiencing new places. I have yet to travel outside of the US, but I'm hoping to change that one day.
I hope you've liked this post and it inspires you to make one of your own. If you already have one leave a comment letting me know where you want to travel to or feel free to leave suggestions of other places you think I might enjoy. Also, if you would like to see a post about one of my previous trips let me know and I'd love to write that for you and even share some pictures that I took.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and until next time I hope you have a great rest of the weekend as well as a great week! :)
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