26 in 26

In honor of my 26th birthday which I recently celebrated, I've decided my first blog post will be 26 things I've learned in my 26 years on Earth. I hope you all enjoy a little insight into who I am and what I've learned, and maybe these will help you out along the way.

So, let's get into it....

1. Be a leader, NOT a follower
While I'll be the first to admit that this is easier said than done, there is a quote by Albert Einstein that I think sums it up best. 
 " the one who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The one who walks alone, is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been." - Albert Einstein 
2. Love yourself for who you are 
There is and only ever will be ONE YOU! While we all have our quirks and flaws it's important to remember that before anyone else can love you, you have to love yourself.  

3. Turn off your phone and look at the world around you 
While this one isn't as deep as the first two, this is just as important. In a world centered around phones, computers, and social media it's important that we put down the electronics and disconnect from the online world.

4. Make time for family and friends 
Nothing is more important that family and friends and it's important to make time for them. It's easy to lose contact with friends over the years, but it's important to hold on to those connections and carve time out just to meet up with friends. When it comes to family there's no one who will be there for you through all the ups and downs like your family, so don't take them for granted. 

5. Smile & laugh as often as you can 
Don't take life so seriously! Make sure you find reasons to smile and don't be afraid to laugh as hard as possible. They say the best medicine is laughter and I have to agree. 

6. Don't hold a grudge 
This is something I had to learn the hard way. A few years ago I went through something with someone important to me and I felt betrayed, angry, and hurt. I would relieve everything that happen night after night and in doing so I kept my anger towards the person growing. Anyways, over time I came to realize that the only person I was hurting by holding onto this grudge was myself. The person I was angry with had moved on with their life and here I was dwelling on something that was done and over with. I quickly learned that forgiveness isn't necessarily for the other person, often times it's for you! That's not to say that it's easy to go around forgiving everyone that hurts you, but you'll  find that once you forgive them and let it go you will feel like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

7. Don't compare yourself to other people
I know this is easier said than done, especially in the world were living in today with Instagram and social media being what it is, but this is the most important thing you'll learn not to do. No one is perfect, no one looks the way they do in their selfies and the best thing you can do for yourself is stop comparing yourself to everyone else. You're beautiful just the way you are and as long as you're happy with yourself that's all that matters. 

8. Surround yourself with truly good people 
Find people who love you for you and hold on to them. It doesn't matter if it's only a handful of people who make up your go to group, as long as their worth your time and energy and you know they'll be there for you through thick and thin then that's all you need.

9. Don't be afraid to dream big 
There are enough people out there telling you to be realistic and think long term, but where's the fun in that. That's not to say achieving your dream is going to be easy, but with time and dedication I truly believe that anything is possible. 

10. Follow your heart 
There have been so many times when my heart tells me to do one thing but I've chosen to follow my head, and now looking back I regret it. Yes this is scary and can sometimes lead to you getting hurt, but sometime we have to live and learn. More often than not it's those hurts that make us stronger people. 

11. You can't live your life for other people 
This is one lesson I learned the hard way. You can't make life choices because that's what other people want and expect from you because not only will you be miserable, but you'll end up losing yourself trying to please everyone else. You're your own person and you have to make your own path. 

12. Know your own worth 
I think this is something I wish someone would have told me when I was younger and as a result I'm constantly reminding my niece how special and amazing she is. In order for other people to treat you with the respect that you deserve you have to believe that you're worth it. 

13. Make a bucket list 
Whether it's a bucket list of things you want to do before the year is up or one of things you want to get done before you die, I think this is something everyone should do. I didn't make my first bucket list until I was in my 20s, but there is something so satisfying about checking things off this list.

14. Travel as much as possible 
There's something magical about traveling to new places, whether you stay in the US or go abroad doesn't really matter, just do it! I love going to new places, meeting new people, and making memories. 

15. "Don't judge a book by its cover" 
We hear this a lot when we're younger, but it's so true. Over the years I've made the mistake of judging someone before ever talking to them and more often than not my opinion of them was way off the mark. 

16. Know your beliefs and stand up for them 
This is so important, especially when you go to college for the first time. You're away from home and temptations are all around you. I struggled with this my first year in college because for the first time I was thrown into the real world without my parents or anyone to really guide me, but if you know who you are and what you believe then the hard part is already done. 

  17. Follow your instincts 
More often than not what your gut is telling you is right. If you get a bad feeling about something just don't do it.  

18. Know your love language 
This is random, but it's so important, especially if you're in a relationship or even looking for a relationship. After learning my love language it gave me a better understanding of myself and learning what the other love languages are helps you get a better understanding of the important people in your life and how to show them you love and care about them. 

19. Never leave the house or go to bed angry 
You don't know if it's the last time you'll see or talk to that person again and the last thing you want to do is live with the regret of having been angry or said something you didn't mean.  

20. Live for today 
We're not promised tomorrow, so stop putting things off for tomorrow or next week. 

21. Don't take life for granted 
This definitely goes with my previous point. I don't think we ever stop to really think about how much time we've wasted or all the years that have flown by. I know this wasn't something I thought about until I lost someone close to me. We often take the things we have for granted until it's too late and I often have to remind myself that my life isn't something I ever want to take for granted. 

22. Don't live with regrets 
Talking with my parents and grandparents and listening to them tell me about how they regret not having traveled when they were my age, or missing out on opportunities to do things because they were scared or let life get in the way has taught me to try and live my life to the fullest. I don't ever want to look back at my life and regret not having done this or that. 

23. Don't be afraid to fall in love 
Scary, I know, but again you don't want to look back and regret holding back because you were afraid of the unknown. 

24. The little things matter 
While it's true that people love grand gestures, I've learned that in the long run its really the little things that matter to people who stick around for the long haul. Take time to do the little things for the people that mean the most to you, I promise it will mean more to them than you ever realized. 

25. It's not what you say, it's the way you say it 
My mom used to tell me this all the time and it got on my last nerve! I didn't get how true this was until I was older and found myself quoting my mom to other people.

            26. Don't change who you are or what you believe for ANYONE!
As long as you're okay with the person you are and the choices you make that's all that really matters. If you change who you are or what you believe in for anyone else you'll end up living with the biggest regret you can ever make. As long as you love yourself you'll be fine and you will end up finding people who love you for you and that's all you need.

There you have it folks, 26 things I've learned in my 26 years. Leave a comment letting me know what you think of my list and maybe leave a lesson you've learned that I didn't list. I know not everyone might agree with some of the things I've listed, but that's okay! I'm still young and have a lot to learn.  


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