10 Favorite Youtubers

I started watching YouTube about 5 years ago, of course it's been around longer than that, but I didn't really get into it until sometime in 2012. Since then I've discovered a handful of youtubers that I follow so I thought I'd share my top 10 favorite youtubers with all of you and leaving links to their channels at the end of my little blurb about them. 10. Marcus Butler Marcus was actually the first youtuber that I watched and subscribed to. He has three channels which include "Marcus Butler", "MoreMarcus", and a gaming channel called "MarcusButlergames" that I don't think he has updated recently. I'm subscribed to his main channel and his "MoreMarcus" channel, but these days I find myself watching his MoreMarcus channel more than his main channel. Every now and then I'll still watch the occasional video on his main channel. The first video I ever watched was on his main channel of him a...